Top 8 Essential WordPress Plug-Ins That Comes Free Of Cost

The internet is booming right now, both in terms of opportunities and finances. As a result, internet marketing through different platforms is a step forward. Websites are now the most optimum resource for getting the brand out there and reaching customers. And, for any digital agency, WordPress is among the easiest and most popular platforms for creating a website.

But any creative agency will tell you that just making your WordPress website once is not enough. It needs to be maintained and designed continuously to keep meeting the user’s and the brand’s standards. That’s why there are WordPress Plug-Ins to help a digital agency with the task. There are paid and free options among them. These are the top ones that won’t cost an extra cent.

1. Yoast SEO

Joost de Valk created this wonderful SEO Plug-In for WordPress. It is possibly the best tool for checking if the content meets all the necessary SEO conditions. It optimizes the usage of keywords, which is essential for ranking on search engines. It is a perfect reminder tool that even the most experienced copy-writer from any digital agency will get some help from. The tool has been installed over 5 million times, making it the best WordPress Plug-in for SEO out there. The full plug-in is free with a premium WordPress subscription.

2. W3 Total Cache

A vital part of web development is the performance of a web page. More than 1 million users trust this plug-in. The list includes AT&T and Mashable. The plug-in uses caching technology to better optimize the site’s performance. As a result, it improves SEO results and decreases the time it takes to load the page. So for any creative agency out there looking for a free WP Plug-In to help with website optimization, this is the globally approved option.

3. Modula Image Gallery

WordPress’ default image plug-in is more than enough for any amateur creative web development agency. But a more experienced and premium web design would need much more functionality from an image gallery. With Modula Image Gallery, any creative agency can fully customize the visual style of the website.

4. Soliloquy

If a creative agency needs an easy slider plug-in, then Soliloquy is the way to go. Web design can be done by only dragging and dropping elements, and it also works on mobile. For WooCommerce stores, it has interactive sliders for products, helping boost sales.

5. Sucuri

For any creative web development, security is a must. There are malware, hackers, DNS manipulators, and so much more all trying to ruin the web design. But Sucuri is an easy solution to that. After being installed, the plug-in continuously monitors to protect the site. It optimizes performance using a worldwide CDN. Its identification and alert system are also prompt. Moreover, it has no special requirement when it comes to hardware!

6. Speed Booster Pack

Any digital agency knows that the speed at which the page loads is vital to the user experience. This Plug-in focuses on exactly that and specifically gets rid of all the things that can slow it down, making creative web development much easier.

7. Disqus

The native comment system of WordPress leaves a lot to be desired. Disqus presents a much more popular alternative. It is not only SEO-friendly but also synchronizes the comments with WP’s CMS automatically.

8. Login Lockdown

A simple and tiny plug-in that goes a long way in protecting the website from spambots. It limits how many times a given range of IP can log in within a specific time frame. It also records every failed attempt.


These WP plug-ins might be free but don’t be misled about their functionality. Thousands of users approve of their performance, so don’t forget to include these essential tools in your WP web design.

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